Chemical raw mats
LOGISKOR LLC - Stability of supplies for production in an unstable world.
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The production of paints and varnishes begins with raw materials. Purchasing it is similar to laying the foundation when building a house. If the foundation work is done poorly, the house will not last long. We make sure that your business producing paints and varnishes prospers.
Raw materials for the production of paints and varnishes.
Epoxy resin is a very flexible and multifunctional material, during the production of which it is possible to give it very different properties, parameters and characteristics. We supply epoxy resins, additives, thinners and hardeners from leading global and Chinese factories, providing a full cycle of enterprise needs.
Materials for processing raw hides.
Possessing an effective formula, products for the leather industry are distinguished by their specific properties and application features. They are used not only as disinfecting and degreasing reagents, but also as preparations that help prepare leather and fur raw materials for further processing. Moreover, most drugs have a “soft” composition, which is ideal for treating biological surfaces. And bactericidal components allow you to get rid of harmful bacteria that can negatively affect the quality of raw materials and finished products.
Raw materials for the production of disinfectants.
Any agronomist knows that nothing is more important on farms than hygiene. High-quality means of disinfection, treatment, purification of water and water supply systems are the key to animal health, stable operation and cost minimization. LOGISKOR LLC will deliver the necessary reagents to you.
Our company also supplies high-quality additives for wastewater treatment to comply with environmental pollution standards.